A resolution.

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So, of course this weekend is all about resolutions and healthy habits.  Of course I mentally made the same resolutions in my head that I have been making for 15 years but this year I have another one.

To be more mindful of what I am bringing into my home. 

We are by no means minimalists and have no desire to be.  Really… the monochrome white walled life is not for me.  That said,  I do have a tendency to get overwhelmed with stuff.  To over-consume.  In the past year or two excess STUFF has been a big source of stress for me.  Everything from happy meal toys to 4 kinds of pickles in my fridge and of course clothes, shoes, 25 lotions and so on.

For years the packages flowed in.  The Target carts have been filled (damn you one-spot).   Even the magazines pour in and the kids school projects seem to multiply.  I kind of feel that I need to get a hold on this before we hit the true “kid years” and have four almost adults in this house!

So, I am making that a resolution.  Even yesterday we ran into PetSmart for some treats and I grabbed those.  We saw adorable dog jackets (I mean who doesn’t need those?) marked down to $4 from $22.  Jake wanted one and I think that any other day I would have been like “sure!  what’s $4!?!” but I said no.  I don’t need to bring that into my house to end up being clutter or worn once and left to sit in the bottom of our coat closet.   And then at checkout Jake wanted a Frisbee that was like 50 cents.  I actually said no.   I am pretty sure that we already have one and the time has come to realize that maybe 1 or even 0 Frisbees is better than two.  And I came home with only the treats and I am not going to lie when I say that I am proud of myself.

It goes even further and I want to carry it beyond a trip to the pet store.   At the grocery store I want to be mindful of what I buy.  Healthy options.  Thing that are going to fuel us and make us stronger.   And the magazines and catalogs that seem to have taken over the maibox.  I hate having them stacked on my counter while I plan to read them for months.  I think they need to go straight to the recycling bin.

And online.  It’s so easy to take advantage of sales and impulse buy clothes and shoes, makeup and toys.  I need to stop before I checkout and ask myself… Do I want or need this in my home?  Is this going to make my life easier or benefit my family?  Do I have a true need for this?  Is this something that I absolutely love?  I mean, it’s ok to buy your needs and your true wants.  To enjoy spending and consuming things that you love.  But it’s all of those things in between that are true burdens to me.

The clothes are the worst.  I created such a pathetic sense of over-consuming with my deals blog.  It makes me sick everyday to think about recommending that people buy tons of shoes for later or these 5 dresses just because they are on sale.  If you love them buy them by all means but don’t create for yourself (and your child) the unnecessary burden of overstuffed closets and drawers that don’t shut.

Wish me luck.  I almost bought a couple holiday gift sets at 50% off over at Walgreens last night.  Lotions and foot scrub.  But then I thought it out and realize that I have that at home already.  When the time comes when I need more then I will go buy more and some that I really love.

What are your thoughts?  And happy 2016!

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