Nothing’s Ordinary

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So, for the past couple months I seem to have big writers block. Ā Trouble is that I don’t know if I have anything fabulous to say. Ā Or anything so inspirational that it would go viral. Ā Or photos that you just can’t help but stop and stare at. Ā But, then I realized that is the problem. Ā I have a tendency to put way to much pressure on myself. Ā I forgot why I started this new blog. Ā It’s OUR little lifestyle. Ā Things I love. Ā Things we do. Ā And hopefully as I continue to study photography I can help capture our story as closely to how I see it as possible.

|| 4/13/2015||

So, yesterday we didn’t do anything amazing. Ā But I think to Jake it was! Ā We went out to Monkey Joes (a bounce house place a few towns over) and he had a BLAST! Ā Then I got to have Chick-Fil-A for lunch which always makes me happy because it’s my favorite and we don’t have one in our current town. Actually, I take that back. Ā Someone once told me that if I am desperate enough that there is one in the local college’s student dining hall. Ā  And I am not above that. Ā Seriously Chick-Fil-A. Ā I love you. Ā And I went to a few new thrift stores! Ā I have really been loving popping into them as I spot ’em. Ā It’s like a treasure hunt and I like to keep things for the kids and also sell anything that I find in my Instagram Shop

Jake didn’t complain once. Ā I think he liked the attention from Mom.

Once Abby came home they ran off together only to emerge a bit later as fairies. Ā They took to some grand adventure in the backyard. Ā I stole a couple photos with my zoom lens when they weren’t looking. Ā We ate cereal for dinner and I had a glass of wine.

As they say. Ā Nothing is ordinary. Ā No day is ever exactly the same.

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One Comment on “Nothing’s Ordinary”

  1. LOVE Jake’s outfit but mostly I love how they play together like that. I know it’s not all the time but hey, we take what we can get!!!

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